I apologize for not writing a blog post these past four days. I attend a conference every October, and it was last Thursday and Friday. It's called Catalyst Conference and it's pretty amazing.
I hope to take a few days to unpack some of the awesome messages I heard.
Every year, Catalyst has a theme. This years "was "Awaken The Wonder".
Part of the conference book says, "We invented, we dreamed, we found ways of doing things today and we couldn't do yesterday. Driven by courage and captivated by the inescapable urge to progress, humanity stretched their arms further and further, believing the same wonder they felt staring into the night sky as children would propel them into those very heavens."
Somehow, some of us have lost that wonder. Our child like faith is gone. Reality of life sets in and we just accept things as they are.
"We began staring at the things we could see instead of looking into the invisible immensities of God."
Pastor Andy Stanley always opens the conference and closes it the next day. He said, "Everything in life conspires against wonder. Life has a way of shutting it down."
Have you allowed life to shut down your wonder?
I want to do something for you and I want you to in turn, do this for others. I want to "stir and disturb" (Andy Stanley's words) your imagination. I want you to go back to your child like awe and wonder.
If you know me or have read my blog for long, you know I take tons of cloud pictures. The reason I do that is because it makes me wonder and awe over God. I see beauty in His sky. I see Him.
If you are just living life day to day and not really experiencing God's goodness, by being in awe and wonder of Him, ask Him to help you. He will.
Ask Him to remind you of how awesome and wonderful He is. He will.
Remember all that He's done for you. Look at your life day to day and see how He walked with you. And how He always will.
I pray that you will receive a refreshed and renewed awe and wonder through these next several days of posts.
God bless you today and always.
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