Monday, September 7, 2015

Being Content

I am in a season of life that I am really truly, honestly, content. I know in my heart that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I know that I am living for God and doing what He's called me to do. It's a great place to be.Things are NOT "perfect", so please don't read into what I'm saying. But I'm cool with how and where things are. What isn't going well, I'm working and praying over.

In the Bible, Paul wrote about being content. Just in case you don't know, Paul used to be Saul. He was a Jewish leader, a Pharisee, someone who knew the Scriptures and kept all rules. Jesus came to Saul on the road and asked why he was persecuting Him. That meeting changed Saul's life forever. Jesus changed his name to Paul.

He went around the world telling everyone he could about Jesus after that meeting. This caused him to be in jail, stoned, beaten, and chained to soldiers. 

Paul wrote a letter to the church in Philippi. He was thanking them for their gifts. Chapter 4, verses 10 and 11 say this, "I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned but had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."

If Paul could be content while seriously being persecuted himself, why can't I?

I live in America, the land of the free and home of the brave! For now, I am not persecuted for my faith. Other believers across the globe are. Which is so sad to me.

In my honest opinion, being content is about being ok with where you are. You aren't where you used to be, (amen and thanks be to God for that, right?) but you probably haven't "arrived" yet either. And that's ok.

Being content where you are is showing that you are trusting God and His plan for you. 

Yesterday was my church's turn to serve at another church. This other church does a meal EVERY Sunday night. They called it "Sunday Evening With Our Neighbors" or SEWN for short. The surrounding low income and homeless people come inside for a hot fresh meal, some music and a message about God. Several of the people had bikes that they brought inside the gym. One had a lot of stuff on it. I realized, that's probably everything that person owns.

My house is full of stuff I don't use often. I have too much, and yet everything they own fits on a bicycle. How can I not be content and count my blessings?

Our children's Pastor, Jason Townsend, brought the message last night and it was great. He talked about not hiding FROM God, but to hide IN God. 

We all get name tags at SEWN.
One man had on an Auburn hat, and had "Auburn" on his name tag. I talked to him. That's my team too. He said he heard they'd won on Saturday. I told him that they sure had. I watched almost all of the game. He probably doesn't even own a TV.

Are you struggling right now? Is something keeping your peace and contentment away?

If something feels "off" in your life... pray about it. Ask God for clear direction. Remember that Proverbs 3: 5-6 says that He will make your paths straight. 

If you need prayer, please just ask me. I"m here and honored to pray for you.

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