Last week, the Women's Ministry Director, who was putting the event together, asked if I would do a cardboard testimony.
They are pretty powerful. One side of the cardboard/ poster board has something negative in your life. The other side is the positive of how God fixed it.
I decided I would do it.
My first idea was about my divorce. In a way, I was being a little selfish and wanting to show how I had treated him nicely when our son was hurt. BUT, I was also wanting to let people know that I was not bitter and that I do not hate him.
I wrote, "Husband of 19 years left", and the other side, "Treated him like Jesus when our son was seriously injured."
Babbie had full liberty to change the wording. I realized the second side was too long and sounded somewhat selfish, so I emailed about changing it.
I look horrible. I had been crying so much. |
I needed this message! That God loves me just as much as He loves His Son. I am loved. I needed the reminder that He will pour me out a blessing!
Babbie has a declaration that she wrote in 2008. It's going to be long, but I'm posting if. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. She was selling prints of it, I didn't have my debt card, but was blessed with a print anyway. God is so good. I had to get one because what she changed my poster board to is from her declaration!
Yes they are! |
Several people came up to me afterwards! When I was on stage, I held it together for a minute until Mrs. Betty stood up for me. I thought, "What?! I don't deserve a standing ovation." I was floored by that gesture. Mrs. Betty is someone who attended my church for a little while. We met and became friends on Facebook. She is a big fan of my blog. I am very thankful for her friendship and her reading what God inspires me to write.
As I got off stage, a lady I had never seen before hugged me tight and prayed a blessing over me. It was amazing.
Let me tell you this... ALL of our best and brightest days are still ahead. We have a loving God who is here for us. He will never leave or forsake us, and He loves us so so much.
Tell me something good that happened to you over the last week. I want to hear about it!
The Declaration I Am A Daughter of The Most High King
by Babbie Mason, March 4, 2008
"I am a daughter of the Most High King. I am deeply loved, highly favored, and greatly blessed. My identity is in Christ Jesus. I know who I am and Whose I am. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am accepted in the Beloved and a joint heir together with Him. I am a part of the family of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in me.
I will follow Jesus with all of my heart. There will be no turning around, no slacking up, no backing down, no striking out and no giving in. I will not compromise my faith, lower my standards, or cower in the face of adversity. My past is forgiven. My present has purpose and my best and brightest days are still ahead of me. I walk by faith and not by sight My gaze fixed and my mind is made up. I am determined not to think like the world, walk like the world, talk like the world, or act like the world. I shall not be moved. I cannot be shaken. And I will not be swayed. I belong to Jesus and I set my sights on things above. Earth is my mission and Heaven is my destiny.
I confess that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. All things are possible. So if God is for me, who can be against me? My faith is rooted and established in love and nothing I have done or ever will do, can ever diminish the height, the depth, the length and the breadth of God's love for me. I am convinced that neither death, nor life, angels or demons, the present, the future of any powers will be able to separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I eagerly await Christ's return. And on that great day He will know me and call me by name. His banner over me is love and I will lift my voice in loudest hallelujahs to sing His praises forevermore. For I am a daughter of the Most High King!"
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