Sunday, July 5, 2015

You are MORE than enough!

Kinda Wilson who is an author, speaker, marketing person, teacher and poet spoke at Launch Out about our value. (Her name is pronounced KEN DA. I think Kind AH in my head, I feel your struggle.) She is a little petite, pretty woman with such a unique voice.

Her talk hit home with me, and I was so into listening that I actually didn't get a lot of notes. She spoke in a poem or rap style at one point.

She said, "You can't base your feelings on the opinions of others."

Boy, is that right? Because others opinions could be based on the wrong thing. The first thing that comes to my mind is jealousy. When someone is jealous of you, they put you down, just to make themselves feel better.

Kinda also said, "Your value is not in your recognition. People might not affirm you, but you have value."

People might not affirm you.

How true is that?

I'm sure you've had people in your life who didn't affirm you. Maybe even your parents. You had a dream, they thought it was crazy, so they didn't affirm the idea. 

You do not need their affirmation, because you have God's.

There is a song by Francesca Battistelli called He Knows My Name. My favorite lyric is, "I don't need my name in lights, I'm famous in my Father's eyes. Make no mistake, He knows my name. I'm not living for applause, I'm already so adored."

We are adored and loved by our Heavenly Father. 

Finding your value in Him will change your life.

You are MORE than enough! I hope you know that!

Please find Kinda at her Facebook Author page: Kinda Wilson, Author
She has some videos on her website as well: