I don't remember why, but she had to hang up and call me back. By that time he had thrown up, so they were sure he had a concussion.
A volunteer/ dad from out church tried to take him to the first place
, but they couldn't treat head injuries. My son called me to talk and stay awake. He said, "I don't feel good and I want my Mama." I was three hours away.
I kept my composure. At some point in between those phone calls, I called my ex husband and he said he would go with me. We rode together and our daughter came up with us.
My phone would ring and it was nurses asking for consent to treat and his information. I felt helpless in the truck riding up while my son was being looked at in a town I have never even visited.
The kicker was when the doctor himself called me. He said, "Your son has a skull fracture and bleeding. We do not have a neurosurgeon here if he needs surgery so I'm sending him to Egleston by ambulance."
Talk about shocked and a game changer! We thought we were going to pick him up and go home.
The volunteer offered to ride in the ambulance but I did not want him stuck up here. So my baby rode in a loud ambulance with the sirens screaming to bring him here. Alone.
As a mother, I felt so bad for not being there. I know there was nothing else I could have done.
Egleston is a great hospital. Everyone wanted to be sure we knew what was going on with Blake. He was in X-ray when we got here because his wrist hurt.
When they wheeled him in the room and I saw him for the first time, my heart broke. He had on a neck brace, his left eye was black, he was bleeding from several places.... It was scary. Then we are told that he will be in ICU. They need to watch him closely with this head injury. He could need surgery. His CT scan yesterday morning showed that the blood clot at the fracture had gotten a little bigger but not enough to operate. They kept us in ICU so he can continue being watched.
My ex husband and I did not bring enough clothes. When we knew we were coming, his wife packed and went to get our son. My mom packed me a bag and they brought it with them. I was in shock and couldn't think of what to tell my mom to bring. I even forgot some medicine and all of my Bible study stuff.
People have been amazing! My Pastor drove up during the night Sunday and just sat with me. My ex had to get a hotel room because our other two kids couldn't be up here. With my Pastor here, I was not alone. He was here when the doctors came in yesterday too.
We are hoping to go to a regular room today. I have not left this hospital since I got here. They have "sleeping rooms" for parents. I just woke up from 6 solid hours of sleep. That was nice.
Let me tell you how God protected my son. I think this is how God is with us all. My son was going on a hill way to big and on someone else's skateboard. Just like us, he was not making a wise choice. He fell and got hurt. But his fracture was not big enough that it bled a lot. There has not been any brain swelling. His wrist is a clean break. Most wrist fractures require surgery because things move. His did not. We need the bleeding to stop. it had only increased a little over night, so no surgery required there either. It's dramatic, but it could be much much worse!
Like us all, we goof off and mess up. But our Heavenly Father, while allowing us to feel the consequences of our mistake, protects is anyway. God is good.
I appreciate your continued prayers for healing.
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