I am a very positive person by nature.
I usually find the positives in people and situations.
Of course, this has gotten me hurt, because I did not see the bad in folks.
I am of the mindset that it's better to see the positive as opposed to the negative. If you are focused on the negative in life, you will get down and probably stay down. There is so much junk in the world.
Our enemy is here. He tried to be God up there in heaven, so God sent him away. He is called "the ruler" of the earth. His main goals are to kill, steal and destroy things. If he can get your soul, he will. If you are a already a Christ follower, he will do his best to keep you away from God.
I believe in my heart that God does not do bad to us. Bad things happen all the time. However, He doesn't DO them to us. I know He is fully in control, and He allows things to happen..but not in a mean way.
The book of Job is an example of this. I hope and pray what happened to Job doesn't happen to any of us. Satan actually asked God to harm Job, and God agreed to it. I think He did that in order to show that not everything bad that happens comes from Him, and in order to show that He will restore and replace things that satan does take away. There are some heart wrenching Scriptures in that book.. but through it all, Job stood strong in his faith. He believed that God was who He said He was. That was way before Jesus, so Job didn't have a New Testament Bible. He didn't know the ending. He wasn't always positive, but he didn't allow the negative to take him over to the point that he ran away from God either.
Job 1: 1 says, "In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. "
See why the enemy wanted to mess with him? Check out verses 6-12 yourself.
If Job would have let everything he lost over take him, and just focused on the negative, he would have been miserable. Anyone would be!
You have to move on. You have to stop looking back. Learn from the past....take those lessons to heart..but move forward! Find the positives in the bad that happened.
With everything that has happened in my life, I would be a terrible person to be around if all I did was look at what I've lost. Sure, I've lost things in life...but man at what I've gained! What I have gained is FAR BETTER than what I've lost.
Right now... I love me. It has taken me 41 years to do that. I am working on my body, as you well know... I am working on my mind, and I am loving life. I have three beautiful children, my parents, my friends and other family, my job and work family, and my church family.
I am a blessed woman!
The negatives and bad can not stand up against the positives and good.
Do you need to change how you see life?
How can I help?
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