I felt led to pull him out of public school the last month of his 7th grade year. He's been home schooled ever since. He waited until just a year or so ago to tell me how badly he was being bullied in school. I guess that's why God wanted me to pull him out. I had no idea. Blake didn't think I could do anything about it, so he didn't tell me.
We have had our shares of ups and downs. Some times we struggled through work. (Especially math!) Other times work was enjoyable. He likes history a lot! He also likes writing.
Blake is a good kid. He is not perfect, but he has lived through some things I wish he never would have had to endure.
The fact that at 17 years old, he still talks to me, doesn't mind hanging out with me, and mostly listens to what I say is a big deal. I am thankful he doesn't hate me. LOL
Blake is quirky and has a free spirit.. kinda like me. He doesn't care much about what other people think of him. He is who he is. He is a gifted writer, and a really good singing screamer. He's pretty handsome too... LOL.. he looks like a male me. DNA is so funny to me. He has his dad's dimple chin, but my face and eyes. Blake has his dad's since of humor too, we don't usually laugh at the same things. But that's ok. If we were all the same, this would be a boring place.
My prayer is for Blake to be who God made him to be...and for him to do whatever God has planned. I am honored to be his mom.
Father God, I thank You for my son Blake. Thank You for everything that he is and is becoming. Thank You for his gifts, talents and skills. Thank You that he is using them for You. I pray a blessing over his life. Watch over him and us his life for Your glory. Thank You for allowing me to be his mom. I am honored and blessed by it. I pray that the rest of his life he will live for You and do Your will. In Jesus name, amen.