One thing he said was that God picked Mary for this purpose, to carry Jesus and be His mother. Why did He pick her? That's His business. Her purpose was to bring the Messiah into this world.
You have a purpose too.
Do you know what your purpose is?
The first thing is worship God. He is worthy of our worship.
The second is to honor Him with our lives.
He has given you skills, talents and abilities. He wants you to use them for Him. Reach people for Him to tell them that He loves them.
2015 is just around the corner....
How will this year be different for you?
What are your plans?
In this awesome group I am in on Facebook, we do a word for the year. I have felt like my word this new year is THANKFUL.
If I were to write a blog post about everything God had done for me... you'd be shocked. He is real and He really does care. I am very thankful for all He's done.
Merry Christmas my friends! I pray your day is amazing!
Christmas tree my boss made at my work. |
Might I suggest you pick one of those things He's done for you and tell that story? Include a few applicable scriptures. Perhaps a question that causes the reader to think. Link that post back to this one, and this one to the one with the example.