Well, today is the last day of 2014...so it's my last post of the year.
It has been an amazing year for me personally, and for this little blog. I am continuously floored by my readers each week. I know it's only numbers and those numbers really just reduce down to the click of a mouse, but I choose to think about the people behind the mouse.
I hope and pray that you are reading this blog and actually getting something out of it. That's why I write.
The different events I went through this year have helped me grow and change.
I went from not working to working an amazing job I love.
I have dealt with teenager issues with my kids, from talking back to one starting public school again, and one driving around by himself.
As far as relationship go, I've learned a lot there too. When you have honest friends like I do, it really helps. I am not one to hear about something I'm doing wrong and just sit on it. I do my best to change because I want to be the very best Jill I can.
I am a part of this "cult". (We aren't really a cult, but we joking call it that.) Jon Acuff, the writer/ speaker started a Facebook group of us some time back. It is one of the best groups of people. I have been inspired by so many of them publishing books this year. That is one of my goals for 2015! I'm putting together some of these blog posts and creating a devotional book. It's going to happen this year!
One thing we do in the group is pray about a word for the new year. My word this year is THANKFUL!
One of the ladies in the group was kind enough to make us all one of these with our words!
I am so thankful for everything I went through in 2014. I am thankful for everything God has done for me as well.
Even just the weeks before Christmas, I had blessing after blessing poured out on me. It was overwhelming at one point.
2015 is my year! I can feel it! There is an excitement and anticipation of what God has planned for my life. It's just bubbling out of my heart. I wish you could feel it.
It is my prayer that you too, will pray for and decide on a word for your 2015! It's a great way to focus and work on whatever you need to.
Who's ready to jump into this new year and watch God work? I know I am!
Father God, thank You for an awesome 2014. While it was not perfect, and I had some different issues, I wouldn't change a thing. You've walked with me the entire way. You have blessed me way more than I deserve. I am humbled by Your grace, mercy and love daily. Walk with me and everyone I know, and everyone who reads this blog in 2015. May we all be thankful for You, Your presence, Your blessings, and Your awesomeness. In Jesus name, amen
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