My Pastor's message yesterday was simply amazing.
It's been a series, as usual, but it's just been right on time.
Remember me talking about hope last week? Well, try to always remember this..
Proverbs 13:12 says,
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
My Pastor said, "Love is revealed when it dives into chaos."
It's about to be Christmas! So, I think we all know a little about chaos.
Shopping and traffic are horrible, people aren't being nice, you might have to spend time with people you really don't want to be around.... need I go on?
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Hope is born when love shows up.
Who do you need to extend love to this week?
2. Hope sustains us in the difficult seasons of life.
I have several friends who are about to go through their first Christmas without loved ones. Two come to mind, my friend who's 7 year old son passed away in July, and my friend who lost her mom, dad, and a son this year. They need some hope right now, because this is extremely hard on them.
3. Hope develops a new vision for living.
Hope will help you see life differently. You can look for the positives and try to let the negative roll off your back. I know sometimes that's easier said than done, but hope helps you try!
Hope was born at Christmas. His name is Jesus. He came, lived, died, and rose again so we could all have a home in heaven. We have hope!
This is the best gift anyone could ever give us! I'm sure you know someone who isn't living for God or maybe isn't a Christian. Give them hope. When we don't give hope, they can be sick because hope has been deferred. Tell them how much they are loved and how God will never leave them. You'll be glad you did!
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