(Hebrews 12 again, are you seeing the same Scripture?)
People can't run their own race because we can't stay in our own lane. It's not funny to compare yourself to others in life. Who are you racing? Who have you set your eye on to run their race?
Comparing ourselves is like running on a treadmill, you use your energy but aren't going anywhere.
Satan's number one way to cause problems is to get you compare yourself. It is a cancer to our contentment. 2 Corinthians 10:12 says, "12 We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."
There is a call on your life. A unique and specific call that only you can do!
Stop complaining about the pieces you didn't get and realize you are a masterpiece!
Don't let the blessings blind you of the Blesser! King Saul's downward spiral came from him forgetting that God made him king and comparing himself to David. If you can't celebrate someone else's good stuff, you've got issues. You put on the "But Me" glasses. You see everything they do, and think, "But what about me"... "but me".... nothing will blind you to Jesus like wearing the but me glasses!
What change would we create if we stay in God's Word and find out who we really are!
This is also an area I have been honest about in my blog. I have struggled with comparing myself to others. I even did that at Catalyst. I am working on it!! This cancer to my contentment HAS to go!
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