Friday, September 19, 2014

Praying for people when you don't want to!

I saw this on Facebook last night and had to write about it today.

One of my best friends has gotten on to me twice because she's asked if I'm praying for my ex husband and other people from my past. I told her no both times. She said, "I don't understand you. As much as you care about people, and as powerful as prayer is, why wouldn't you continue praying for them? You might be the only person who is praying for them."

I told her, mostly because they aren't in my daily life anymore.

But, she's right. If they do come to my mind, the best thing I can do is pray for them.

I have learned over time, that when some "Thing" is on my heart, to not give up praying. For example, years ago, I felt like we should adopt. When I asked my now ex husband about it, he said no. I gave up. That conference I attend every October, Catalyst Conference, one year, the whole two days revolved around adoption. I cried both days. It broke my heart because I still wanted to adopt but he had said no. I gave up praying though! Did I think God couldn't change his mind? I mean, really! Adoption is good. So, I don't think God would have placed it on my heart if it was something bad.

Fast forward a few years to me feeling led to homeschool our children. I NEVER in a million years wanted to homeschool. When I started feeling it, I prayed. I then mentioned it to him. To which he said no. It never went away from me. So I continued to pray. I even said, "Ok, God, it's not leaving me, but he said no. Now what?"

God changed his mind. He decided we should homeschool. I am so glad we do. Have you seen that article about the Common Core sex education where the woman has a sex toy strapped to her showing stuff to a room full of 12 year old children?! Oh my goodness!

Anyway... my point is, I should be praying for some"ONE" too, when they come to mind. I think it would be cool if you did too. You don't have to be specific. God knows the need. You can even be simple about it, "Father, Jill came to my mind just then. Please be with her in whatever she might be going through. In Jesus name, amen." 

Easy, right? Take a second and do that with everyone in your life. 
They might just need a touch for God today!

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