Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Do You Struggle With?

This is not a perfect world. There are some terrible things here.

If we are all honest, we all struggle with something. We aren't perfect, which is OK! God doesn't expect us to be perfect. (No one else should either. Even ourselves.)

My struggle is still my thoughts about myself. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think, "Yuck". I don't like my physical body a whole lot. It's not a size 4 with perfect skin. Then I must remember that God made me. His Word says that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. I am His masterpiece made for good things. Who am I to question why God made me the way He did? I need to not listen to the lies from our enemy and this society.

Our mind really is where the war takes place. We are our own worst enemy sometimes. If we aren't believing the lies, we are putting ourselves down. Why do we do that?

Some people struggle with alcohol, drugs, self harm, suicidal thoughts, over eating, not eating enough, shopping, hate, envy, pornography, etc. There is a whole list of things that people use to deal with life on a daily basis.

The problem is, when you numb yourself from the bad feelings, you crush the good ones too. That's not cool.

If you struggle with something, please ask for help. We can't always live a happy go lucky on top of the mountain feeling kinda life. That only happens in the movies. But you can live free from some pain! It is possible.

Talk to someone you trust. Ask for prayer. Let someone hold you accountable and help you stop. You deserve to be joyful. Don't let anything steal your joy!

God loves you with an unconditional love. NOTHING you struggle with makes Him love you any less. He wants to help you. Will you let Him?

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