Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Do you doubt yourself?

I had a good conversation with someone last night. This person said, "You are grounded in your faith, you have a good walk with God, but you doubt yourself. Why is that?"

My response was "I dunno." Then, this person said, "When you doubt yourself, you know who you are really doubting?" I knew where this was going...and of course I said, "God."

Since then, I've been thinking about that. Why do I doubt myself?

I draw or paint things and think they look horrible.

I try to be the best mother I can, and feel like I'm failing.

My house is never as clean as I'd like it to be.

I feel over weight most of the time.

On the positive, I think I'm pretty. Does that count for anything? LOL

I think I doubt myself because of the lies I've heard and believed. I am also someone who enjoys hearing words of affirmation/ encouragement. Those nice words outweigh the bad and help me.

For some reason, for most of my life, I've never felt good enough. For humans, at least. That's where I've gone wrong. Maybe you have too.

We need to believe what GOD says about us. We need to know that He made us for a purpose and that He has a plan for our lives. We are beautiful, smart, and everything else because HE says so!

What might help us.. is if we had some encouragement from time to time.

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

There might be someone in your life that could use a little boost of encouragement. That single mom or dad who has been juggling work and kids. The widow who is missing her husband. A family who just lost a beloved pet. Maybe your boss is having a bad day and could use a smile and hear "You're doing a good job." Look around today and tomorrow. Find someone to encourage! I dare you! 

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