Saturday, November 2, 2013


I'm dealing with a teenager who I pray will one day straighten up. I was in need of a Scripture this morning talking about hope and came across this:

"Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!" ~ Ecclesiastes 9:4

I've never seen this passage before and thought it was quite interesting. 

Basically, we all have hope if we are alive.

Hope is wishing for something, a longing, a desire for a positive outcome. It is similar to faith, because it can not be seen, but felt.

We say, "I hope you have a good day." or "I hope you start feeling better soon." Those are positive ways for wishing something good on someone.

But we also have a hope for our future. 

In Jeremiah 29: 11 GOD says, " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I am so thankful that God wants to give me hope and that He has plans for my future. I hope you know that about your life and realize it's true for you too.

My hope is in the Lord. He is faithful and I know He has great plans for us all!

Where is your hope?

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