Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'M Possible!

Jeremy Cowart spoke at Catalyst by using a video, while he spoke. My notebook gives this description of him: "Jeremy Cowart is a celebrity photographer, entrepreneur and humanitarian. Recently named as "the most influential photographer on the internet", he just released an online education platform called "See University". He is also the founder of an iPhone app called OKDOTHIS and the founder of a global photography movement, Help-Portrait."

That makes him sound completely amazing, doesn't it?

Well, he grew up with issues and always saying, "I can't."

He had Godly parents, though, and his dad would always tell him, "You CAN do all things through Christ who gives you strength."

So, he went from not being an artist, to becoming an artist. Over time, he switched to photography and stayed with that medium.

I didn't write down a lot of what he said because I was so involved in watching the video as he spoke. The biggest thing I took away from what he said is this:

"In the word impossible, is actually "I'M possible."

I'm possible. God has a plan and purpose for my life. It's a plan to prosper me, not harm me. Last night at church, Mrs. Laurel said that prosper means, "Whatever you put your hand to, it's going to yield results."

I'm possible. God made us with talents, skills, and abilities. I'm possible to use them for His glory.

I'm possible. Because I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. Not some things. Not a few things, but ALL things.

What has you stuck? What or who is telling you that you aren't possible? Or that what you are doing isn't possible and doesn't matter?


Stop listening to the lies, and take the next step. YOU'RE POSSIBLE!

I am going to post a couple of Jeremy's pictures and one of my son talking to him.

God bless you today and always!
My son meeting Jeremy backstage.

Jeremy Cowart's work
Taylor Swift by Jeremy Cowart
Art Jeremy creates from pictures. This was from Catalyst a few years ago.

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