Sunday, July 26, 2015

You need a POP!!!!

My friend Brett Smith spoke at Launch Out about how he allowed his personality to upset his career path.

If you have never taking the Myers Briggs personality tests, I highly recommend that you do. Here is a link: Personality Test

At the beginning of Brett's talk, he said he is an INTJ... I for Introvert, N for Intuituive, T for Thinking, J for judging (also called scheduling). Please take 13 minutes and watch Brett's message here: Brett Smith  He has a really cool voice.

I am an ENFJ, Extovert, Intutitive, Feeling, Judging personality type.

Who Brett said he had to become to set his career path were with these three things:

Be Personable - It's not the same as being liked. Do you have compassion even if people don't like you? Care and be involved. Authentically connect so people feel favor, blessings and value.

Be Ordered - The most successful people keep their word. There is nothing worse than a missed opportunity.

Be Proficient -  Refining your skills - fill your time with things you can learn. This next statement got some laughs, "Even if you are going to the restroom. It gives you a chance to put something in, not just put something out."
Cookies and Cream POP

"When we do what we should, we open the door for the divine to take control." ~ Brett Smith

You see, Brett was in full time ministry at some point. He also worked in restaurants.

And what he does now...he is living his dream. He started Dothan Ice Cream. He makes his own ice cream pops and they are delicious! He has a cart with an umbrella and some bikes with the cooler on them like in the old days.

You can connect with Brett here: Dothan Ice Cream

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