Friday, September 20, 2013

Don't Compare!

I have struggled with my self esteem for as long as I can remember. I've never thought about myself correctly because of things that were said to me, and things that were done to hurt me.

I've compared myself to other women in different ways. I still do sometimes, but it's not healthy. 

See, God made me short. I'm not quite 5 foot tall. That has always bothered me, because of course I got picked on about it. Not to mention my name is Jill. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "Hey, where's Jack?" I'd be rich! It's just a part of life for some people to pick on others. This has had me question why God made me so short and wishing I was taller. My name doesn't bother me that much. It's short like me, so it fits.

In 1996, when I experienced those two miscarriages, I compared myself to every mother I saw. I would be jealous and upset asking God why they had gotten to keep their babies, but I hadn't. I would think, "Well, she's tall, so it was easy for her to carry them." Beating myself up for something I had no control over didn't help me heal. (I learned years later that I have a health condition that caused my miscarriages. That made me feel a little better.)

The best way to fight off those negative comparing thoughts are with Scripture. What does GOD say about you? How does He feel about you? Didn't He make you, after all, so why do we get upset with how we are?

Ephesians 2:10 says this, "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

God knew us before He formed us,   

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
    Before you were born I set you apart
    and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” ~ Jeremiah 1:5

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life."

God loves you so much, that He gave His Son for you. That's huge!

You have your parents DNA for a reason. You look, think, and have talents like you do for a reason. Search out the Scriptures, find out what God thinks of you and stop comparing yourself other other people. You are only hurting yourself when you do.

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